T-Mobile x Taco Bell

The challenge: Amplify T-Mobile’s “Uncarrier” status to drive awareness, brand love, and usage of the T-Mobile Tuesdays app.

The problem behind the challenge: The mobile industry has a bad rep for treating customers poorly.

The insight: T-Mobile customers love food offers more than anything - and who doesn’t love tacos?

The vision: GET T-Mobile customers and potential switchers WHO want more from their mobile carrier TO engage, talk, and share their love for T-Mobile BY giving them something to taco ‘bout.

The results:

  • 20 percent year-over-year increase in monthly active users within the app

  • 25 percent year-over-year more weekly participants (visitors to the app)

  • 49 percent year-over-year higher claims

  • Customers responded well to the campaign, and press was extremely positive. Media coverage included 87 unique online articles (142 with syndication) with a total potential audience of 17,016,966 for the Taco Bell deal.

  • 81 percent of surveyed customers would recommend T-Mobile to a friend

  • 80.5 percent positive sentiment (iSpot) above the annual 2018 Positive Sentiment score of 23 percent

  • 98.5 percent attention score (iSpot)


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